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More secure than Personal Health Records

Encryption and anonymized data are just a few of the features that make MIMOSI Health more secure than Personal Health Records and Electronic Medical Records.

One year into the COVID-19 pandemic and the healthcare system is still plagued by technical glitches, fragmented systems and difficult to use software. Enter: MIMOSI Health. 

MIMOSI Health was developed with the goal of preventing community spread of COVID-19. It is a digital platform providing real-time data on disease spread, testing, recovered cases and vaccinations. MIMOSI Health unifies stakeholders in public and private sectors by bridging disparate systems and providing the big picture data needed to make timely, informed decisions.

Focused on privacy and security

MIMOSI Health supports safe return to work by providing digital, verifiable proof of testing or vaccination. The simple, intuitive design makes it easy for you to book appointments for testing and vaccinations, or upload the results of at-home tests. Simply access your test results via email using 2-factor authentication.

MIMOSI Health only collects data relevant to COVID-19 testing and vaccination, meaning your personal medical history is never at risk. All demographic data is immediately anonymized before being aggregated into dashboards. Role-based access control (RBAC) limits the data visible to authorized users based on their job functions. User roles are customizable to accurately reflect testing and vaccination workflows. 

MIMOSI Health is not a Personal Health Record (PHR) or Electronic Medical Record (EMR). It is a standalone solution that can easily integrate with existing health management systems. MIMOSI Health supports a holistic approach to the fight against COVID-19 by creating a seamless and secure way to keep everyone informed and protected. 

MIMOSI Health vs. PHRs & EMRs

*Authorized users include:

Regulators can access visual analytics for current/recovered cases, number of appointments booked and much more. Regulators can also access the MIMOSI Health Heat Map, which provides a concise overview of where positive test cases are self-isolating.

Nurses and Contact Tracers can access the patient’s contact information and testing history.

Community Testers record patient information and schedule testing appointments. Community testers are authorized to access the mentioned information.

Lab Technicians can access a patient’s testing history.

Patients can securely book appointments for testing or vaccinations and record the results of at-home tests on the system. Patients access test results and vaccination status in real-time via protected 2-factor authentication.

Stay connected. Stay immune. Stay safe.

Contact us to request more information or schedule a demo. We are ready to help you!


May Warren (Feb 08,2021), Ontario is building a web portal for mass COVID vaccination. Can we avoid the pitfalls plaguing U.S. systems?, Toronto Star. Retrieved from